Wenesday’s WOD


10:00 of:
Run 200m
10 Single Arm Kettlebell Rows/side
10 Rotational Medicine Ball Throws/side


12:00 Volume Accumulation of one of the following, listed from highest to lowest proficiency:

1) Strict Bar Muscle-Up + Negative (aim for 0:10 per negative)
2) Strict Bar Muscle-Up
3) Bar Muscle-Up Negative
4) Strict Chest-to-Bar Pullup
5) Strict Pullup
6) Pullup Negative (pronated grip)
7) Piked Assisted Pullup (pronated grip)


Every 6:00 x 4 Rounds:
Run 200m
4/2 Muscle-Ups
Run 200m

Extra Work:


5:00 @ 6, into 5 Sets:
3:00 @ 6-7 (22-26 Strokes/Minute)
2:00 @ 7-8 (24-28 Strokes/Minute)
1:00 @ 8-9 (26-30 Strokes/Minute)

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