Tuesday’s WOD


EMOM 15, alternating:
a) 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings + 5 American Kettlebell Swings
b) 6-8 Ring Rows + 6-8 Pushups
c) 10 Glute Bridges, pause and squeeze at top


15:00 Volume Accumulation of one of the following, listed from highest to lowest proficiency:

1) Strict Muscle-Up
2) Muscle-Up Negative
3) Transition Rock
-Elevated https://youtu.be/wqoiM6E-wyA (most difficult)
-Supine (medium difficulty)
-Incline (least difficult)


5 Rounds, Not For Time:
10 Strict Handstand Pushups, challenging variation
5 Deadlifts, 90% of last week’s top single

TIMECAP: 20:00

Extra Work:

Behind the Neck Strict Press

X131 Tempo

X131 = Accelerate up, pause at top, three second eccentric, pause at bottom. Tempo and position take precedence over load.
Build over the first three sets to a challenging, but not maximal set. Fourth set is 90% of third set.

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