EMOM 10, alternating:
a) 5 Half Kneeling Press, left arm, slow eccentric + 5 Half Kneeling Goblet Split Squat, left leg, slow eccentric
b) 5 Half Kneeling Press, right arm, slow eccentric + 5 Half Kneeling Goblet Split Squat, right leg, slow eccentric
Press 5RM, then 90%x5x3
Partner WOD:
For Time with a Partner:
45 Thrusters, 115#/75#
9 Rope Climbs, 15′ ascent
30 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
15 Thrusters
3 Rope Climbs
One partner works at a time. Work may be divded as partners choose. Try to pair athletes of relatively equal ability.
TIMECAP: 20:00
Extra Work: Snatch 2-2-2, 3×2