Buy In:
Wendler: 1 Rep Max Strict Press
“Fight Gone Bad”
Wall Balls (20/14)
SDHP (75/55)
Box Jumps (24/20)
Push Press (75/55)
Row For Calories
3 Rounds
Athletes will complete as many reps as possible at each station…one station will be a rest station. 3 total rounds will be completed. A staggered start will be used to keep classes on track. Everyone will rest the 6th minute each round.
Cash Out:
Roll Out
Don’t forget, Thursday class at 9am only…team WOD, you wont want to miss it! Saturday at 9am we will do the Hope for Cures WOD raising money for Riley Hospital and Hope for Cures! Also, over half the spots for the 24 hour CrossFit the Fort WOD are taken, make sure you get signed up before they’re gone.