4 Sets @ Easy Pace:
3 Muscle Snatch from Hip
3 Power Snatch from above knee
3 Full Snatch from below knee
10 Scapular Pullups
10 Scapular Pushups
15×1 EMOM
Reps 1-8: 70%x1x2, 75%x1x2, 80%x1x2, 85%x1x2
Reps 9-15: Work at athlete’s discretion between 85-95%
Athletes who do not have an established 1RM should start with a weight they could comfortably triple, and work from there at the coach’s discretion.
Every 4:00 x 4:
30/25 Assault Bike or Row Calories
15 Power Snatch, 95#/65#
Extra Work:
For Time:
30 Box Jumps, 30″/24″
50 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#
75 Wall Ball, 20# to 10’/14# to 9′
100 Double Unders
TIMECAP: 18:00