Buy In:
Shoulder and Hamstring mobility
10 Pass Throughs
10 Overhead Squats
10 Good Mornings
3 Rounds
100 Mountain Climbers (L=1/R=1)
Strict Press 75% 1RM
4 EMOM for 7 Min
75 Deadlifts at 65% 1 RM
EMOM complete 5 push-ups
Cash Out:
Strip your bar and do 10 SLOW Goodmornings
Roll hamstrings and glutes
**Don’t forget…Open gym today from 4:30-5:30!
Also don’t forget to mark your calendar for 12-2 this Saturday for the launch of our very first Paleo challenge! We will be doing a WOD, discussing what Paleo is all about, and sampling some great recipes. So bring your favorite Paleo dish and lets get this competition started!