Friday’s WOD


EMOM 9, alternating:
a) Row 15 Strokes (5 Legs Only, 5 Legs + Body, 5 Full Strokes)
b) 5 Pushups w/Slow Eccentric + 10 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups
c) 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, light-to-moderate weight


3 Rounds:
Row 500m
Rest 4 minutes between rounds

During 4 minutes rest, complete 1 round of:
20 Second Dip Support
20 Second Ring Support
5 Candlestick Negatives


5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
1.5 Bodyweight Deadlift
Strict Ring Dips

Proceed immediately from deadlift to dips, but rest as needed between rounds.

Extra Work: 1 Pull + 1 High Pull + 1 Snatch 6×1

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