CrossFit Praus – CrossFit
Shoulder Press (In a 10 minute window complete:)
Shoulder Press for load:
#1: 5 reps @ 65%
#2: 5 reps @ 75%
#3: 5+ reps @ 85%
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
100 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)
– Partner Hangs from pull up bar –
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
– Partner Holds Plank (elbows) –
200ft Single Arm Overhead Lunge Walk (50/35) (Both athletes complete 200ft with only one person working at a time)
18 minute time cap
Individual option:
50 Alternating Dumbbell hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)
50 Box Jumps overs (24/20
200ft Single Arm Overhead Lunge Walk (50/35)
Modified option 1:
Teams of 2
100 Alternating Dumbbell hang Clean and Jerk (35/20)
Partner DB Farmer Carry Holds (50/35)
100 Box Jumps (20/16)
Partner Holds Plank (elbows/knees)
200ft Front Rack Lunge Walk (50/35) (Both athletes complete 200ft)
Modified option 2:
Teams of 2
80 Alternating Dumbbell hang Clean and Jerk (35/20)
Partner DB Farmer Carry Holds (50/35)
80 Box Step ups (24/20)
Partner Holds Plank (elbows/knees)
100ft Lunge Walk (Both athletes complete 100ft lunge)