Buy In:
3×5 Weighted Pull-ups and Dips
8 1-arm snatches
16 KB Swings (53/35)
3 min AMRAP
2 min rest
10 Dips
20 Wallballs (20/14)
3 min AMRAP
2 min rest
12 Pistol Squats
24 Mason Twists (20/14)
3 min AMRAP
2 min rest
Cash Out:
50 Burpees for time
**Schedule Changes…Additions…just generally fun stuff!
Starting next week…
Endurance Classes on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 coached by Shane! These classes focus on improving your engine through interval training, distance running (not super far) and sprint work. These classes will also meet off site on occasion to bike, swim and trail run. Come learn the pose method of running and watch your WOD times improve!!
Olympic Lifting class will move to Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 and will be coached by Amanda…wish you had more time to work on your clean, jerk and snatch? This class is your opportunity!
Lastly, but definitely not least, we’re adding a brand new strength class which will be coached by Candy! This class will meet Monday and Friday at 5:30 and will focus on power lifting, specialty lifts and accessory work. This is another great option for improving your workouts through strength!
Time to get after it Praus House…make sure to jump in on these classes…all are included!! Also, if you are interested in Endurance classes only we do offer a punch card for $75 for 10 classes (only applies to non-members…of course!)