CrossFit Praus – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
4 rounds
100 meter row
5 Wide grip snatch deadlifts
5 5 Hang Power Snatch
5 Over head Squats
5 behind the neck presses
Hang Snatch (15 Reps working to at least 80% of 1 RM.)
Athlete should work on technique and perfecting the snatch. Last few reps should be at the 80% but not to sacrifice quality reps. No weight should be added until athlete can perform 2 good reps at present weight.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
6 minute AMRAP
6 Dumb bell Snatches Per side (50/35) (no alternating)
8 Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
10 Calories on Bike/Rower
2 Minutes Rest
Then 6 minute AMRAP
12 Push Ups
16 Walking Lunges
20 Anchored Sit Ups (use dumb bells)