EMOM 16, alternating:
a) 8 Walking Lunges
b) 20 Single Unders + 5-10 Double Unders
c) 5 Perfect Burpees
d) 5 Muscle-Up Ring Rows
12 Minutes Volume Accumulation:
5 Muscle-Ups
10 One Legged Squats, alternating
5 Strict Toes-to-Bar, 3 second active hang between reps
For Time:
75 Burpees
At the beginning of every minute, starting with 0:00, perform 5 power snatches, 95#/65#.
Compare to week of 160328.
TIMECAP: 12:00
Extra Work: 4 sets, alternating:
a) 10 Single Leg Deadlifts, left leg
b) 10 Single Leg Deadlifts, right leg
c) 10 Two Dumbbell Bent Over Rows w/pause
Deadlift: May be performed with barbell or dumbbells (for more flexible athletes.) Focus is on strong back position and keeping eccentric same speed or slower than concentric