It seems as though word has gotten around to some extent, but we are THRILLED to announce that we are going to be part of TZ Strength’s beta testing of their affiliate programming venture. Jacob and his team have had great success with individual athletes and are wanting to push their knowledge out at a box level.
This will mean some changes, adjustments, new movements, new class flow (some days), new white board date, and yes, unfortunately a pause on our current strength cycle (we didn’t know this opportunity was going to happen when we started the current cycle).
We kick off this awesome programming tomorrow and ask a few things of you…
Please be COMPLETELY open with us! What do you like, dislike, wish could change? Where are you seeing improvements, or wish you were seeing more improvements? Jacob wants lots of feedback from us, so we need lots of feedback from you!! Also, it is critical that you listen/heed the coach’s communication about the intent of each portion of class. Jacob is very specific about his intentions/desires for each part of the day so think about it in the big picture. Also, there is a handful of extra work each week that we’ll be writing on the white board for athletes to do on their own time…should they have time, but I assure you you will get great work in during the regular 1 hr classes.
This will also mean we may not have date night every week, but as you’ll find this week there are some really fun things in store…including a benchmark to kick off the week of work.
Coaches will be learning new things right along with you so thanks for extending a little extra grace. The white board will also be tracking a lot of data so we can create a box-wide database the deliver information back to Jacob.
We are seriously excited about this, and trust you will love it!! Programming is something we absolutely enjoy doing, but when an opportunity like this comes along its hard to pass up! One other change…we will no longer be posting WODs on FB, but will set them to post on the website by 9pm each day.
Let the fun begin!!!
Buy In:
10 KB Swings w/pause at top (Light)
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 OHS (45/35)
3 Rounds @ easy pace
1RM Snatch
Run 400m
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pull-ups
3 Rounds