Friday’s WOD

Buy In:
Kipping Work…Pull-ups, K2E, T2B

35 Air Squats
25 Decline Push-ups (24/20)
15 Knees to Elbows
15 Air Squats
25 Decline Push-ups
35 Knees to Elbows

EMOM complete 10 one arm
Kettlebell swings (53/35)

Cash Out:
Tabata Abs…time permitting
Quad roll-out/band stretch


**Don’t forget to invite your friends for the Saturday 9am WOD!

Ladies, make sure to check out the CrossFit C.H.I.C.S Facebook page…an awesome community of strong women is forming!!

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Im very interested and trying the class on Saturday (2-2)! Could u please give me some info. Childcare, prices, directions… Thanks so much!! 🙂

Amanda Burge

Sure! I believe most of your questions are answered somewhere on our website, so if you’d like more details feel free to look around. We currently offer childcare MWF at 9:30am, 5:30pm and 6:30pm…and Saturday at 9:00am. Our rates vary dependent upon which type of contract you choose and if you pay monthly, semi-annually or yearly (detailed figures are under the Start Now tab…under the Membership Pricing section. There is a map you can click on under the Contact Us tab for directions. Essentially we are on Merchant Road which runs between Hwy 33 and Huguenard. Looking forward to meeting you!!

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