3 Sets:
Row 300m
5 Hanging Leg Raises + 5 Toes-to-Bar
5 Power Snatch, building to weight for workout
5 Muscle-Up Transitions on Low Rings
5 Muscle-Up Ring Rows
For Time:
50 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
Partner WOD:
In Teams of 3, AMRAP 20:
15 Calorie Row (Each)
12 Toes-to-Bar (Each)
9 Power Snatch, 95#/65# (Each)
6 Muscle-Ups (Each)
One partner works at a time while the other two rest. Each partner must complete all of their work in a given movement before the team moves on to the next movement, but they may break it up in any way. For example, Partners A/B/C may each perform three sets of 4 toes-to-bar, trading off with their partners – they do not have to complete all twelve before their partners may perform theirs.