3 Sets
5 Muscle Snatch (Empty Bar)
Row 15 Strokes (5 Legs Only, 5 Legs + Arms, 5 Full Strokes)
5 Power Snatch (Empty Bar)
5 Push Press (Empty Bar)
5 Snatch (Empty Bar)
15 Hollow Rocks
Every 90 seconds for 10 sets:
2 Snatches
5 Rounds for Total Reps:
1:00 Shoulder-to-Overhead, 185#/125#
:30 Rest
1:00 Row for Calories
:30 Rest
Extra Work: Clean + Front Squat + Jerk, 1-1-1, 4×1
Build over the first three sets to a challenging but managable weight. Repeat for the remaining four sets, dropping load if technique starts to fall off.